Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Dotted Swiss

My Make Nine has pretty much gone off the rails, but I still decided to make a summer "weekend" dress.

This is the Given a Chance Dress from Decades Every Day, done in burgundy dotted Swiss. Lots of bang for the quick-to-sew buck, especially if you skip the pockets like I did.

For me dress pockets are a one-way ticket to bad posture instead of a design feature that accommodates my adventurous gamine lifestyle. Plus I remember my mother admonishing me to take my hands out of my pockets.

Speaking of my mother,  I still have the dotted Swiss dress that she made for my First Communion back in 1975. Because our parish was "progressive" we didn't wear veils and the host was home-baked verging on hardtack. I did however get a bakery cake with lots of icing roses so there's that.


  1. The French knot flowers on your communion dress are everything.

    1. She embroidered them on the Peter Pan collar, too! And my brother was a baby at the time.

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